La K7 est son médium de prédilection:
"Field recordings and melodic sequences are layered into uplifting sonic spheres of the extraterrestrial kind, with a warm and open feel to them. In her adventures she uses electronics, toy keyboards, violoncello, various acoustic objects & instruments and voice."
MOEMLIEN is the solo project of Hannah from Amsterdam. She is exploring the many sides of the cassette tape as a medium for capturing and manipulation of sounds. Fieldrecordings and melodic sequences are layered into uplifting sonic spheres of the extraterrestrial kind, with a warm and open feel to them. In her adventures she uses electronics, toy keyboards, violoncello, various acoustic objects & instruments and voice. Hannah is also playing in the free music group Cotopaxi (with Fyoelk), who have toured in Europe and the United States. They are organizing concerts in Amsterdam as the "Hallo Gallo" collective.
A PROPOS DE LASER POODLE Projet solo de Johann aka Fyoelk du même duo (Cotoplaxi).
LASER POODLE Two kids who hooked up their electronic wizardry are challenging the boundaries of electronic dance music. In form of an organic, constantly shapeshifting pulse, played on a pile of electronics and drum machines, Laser Poodle is a sweet late night strobo dog fight trip. Taking a shit in the middle of the street is indeed as convenient as a four to the floor bass drum. Laser Poodle is Amsterdam based Fyoelk (DE) and Yellow Galactic Human (DK).
A PROPOS DE EVA RODBRO Eva is a Danish Amsterdam based photographer and film maker.She works with teens around the world and tries to capture the complex state of transition they are in the middle of. The normal, unspectacular everyday routines and rituals and all the time spent on just killing time. She is a modern explorer or anthropologist, or some sort of social tourist. Hunting for the non-sensational and dull, Digging for intimacy and rawness. She will be showing the videos "Fuck You Kiss Me" (2008), filmed during extensive trips to Greenland, and "I Touched Her Legs" (2009), shot in Brownwood, Texas, USA.
Laser Poodle
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Eva Rødbro
Site - - - - - - - - - -