Sensational currently lives on any couch he can crash on, and makes blazing hip-hop each and every day of his life. Recorded for Wordsound several albums like ‘Heavyweighter’ and ‘Natural Shine’. Plus had a joint venture with: ‘Sensational meets Kohei’ and ofcourse ‘Acid And Bass’ with Spectre.
Sensational also shines as main character in the movie ‘Crooked’. A nearly autobiographic story about Sensationals life. Ignore the plot, Sensational is more alive than ever. Visiting New York you might meet him on the street selling his cd’s to unwary pedestrians.
Until we see him up in Billboard, Hip-hop is doomed for mediocrity.

Spectre est l'un de ses nombreux pseudos avec Slotek, The Eye et The Ill Saint. A cela se rajoute les multiples projets dans lesquels il est impliqué : Dubadelic, Roots Control, The Scarab… Toute une nébuleuse regroupée sous la bannière du label WordSound.
Un label que Skiz Fernando a monté avec le soutien actif de Bill Laswell et qui bouscula le dub en l'hybridant avec le hip hop. Lorsque sort The Illness, le premier album de Spectre en 1995, ce que l'on nomme par contraction le dub-hop est déjà bien balisé. Notamment par une compilation Crooklyn Dub Consortium : Certified Dope Vol. 1 qui réunit quelques uns des principaux protagonistes de cette aventure sombre et urbaine (feat. Sub Dub, Quaballah Steppers, We, HiM, Automaton, LoopDr. Israel, Megabyte …).
Sensational le rejoint avec sa voix gutturale pour une performance imprévisible...
The shadowy figure at the center of the WordSound multiverse who masquerades as Spectre, The Ill Saint, (among other aliases) is none other than Skiz Fernando, a singular figure in the media/arts community. After graduating from Harvard and the Columbia University School of Journalism, he began his career as a music journalist for The Source magazine.
As Spectre, Skiz is responsible for conducting a campaign of “Bass Terror” on the mainstream music industry for well over a decade.
It all started with the Crooklyn Dub Consortium: Certified Dope, Vol. 1 (WSCD003) in 1995, a critically-acclaimed compilation that heralded the birth of the iLLbient scene in New York. Spectre founded the Consortium to unleash sonic unrest on the populace and to bring certified dope from “The Other Side” into the country. After 4 volumes, the power and influence of this dub syndicate has spread to include numerous sleeper cells around the globe, who are ready to bomb your mindstate at a moment’s notice.
Spectre is also responsible for the Subterranean Hitz series (Volumes 1-3), which did for hip-hop what Crooklyn did for dub—unleashing revolutionary sounds into the atmosphere and spreading the ILLness throughout the planet. Of course the Rap Nazis at Fat Beats tried to proclaim these releases as “degenerate art,” but many copies remain, secretly circulating through the underground and studied like lost scrolls. The same goes with the compilation Weapons of Mass Destruction (Black Hoodz), a vinyl tour-de-force featuring killa instrumentals from Sensational, Mentol Nomad, DJ Klos, and the Ill Saint himself. In 2006, Spectre dropped the long-awaited mix tape Tunes From The Crypt following it with his seventh full-length, Transcendent, in 2007. Both releases are only available as a dowload through WordSound Digital.
In 2008, he dropped Internal Dynasty, available as well as a limited edition vinyl on Toolbox Records, France.
In 2009, he collaborated with long-time partner in rhyme Sensational for the magnum opus, Acid & Bass , which took the dynamic duo touring in Europe and Japan, and saw Sensational snag the cover of England's prestigious Wire magazine. Currently, the Ill Saint is back in the lab, working on his next masterpiece, Death Before Dying, to be released sometime in 2010.
He and Sensational are also producing the debut album by Brooklyn's own Black Chameleon.
MySpace - - - - - - - - - - - http://www.myspace.com/spectretheillsaint
Site - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - http://www.wordsound.com/
MySpace - - - - - - - - - - http://www.myspace.com/chunkobliss
Site - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - http://www.wordsound.com/
Du bon son
Spectre - Waziristan -
Sensational meets kouhei - Lion on sweaty hand
Des mirettes
Sensational and Spectre01 -
Sensational and Spectre02 -
Sensational01 -
Sensational02 -
Sensational03 -
Sensational04 -
Sensational05 -
bloody01 -