Festival Art et Terrorisme #3 //// JUSTICE YELDHAM

Justice Yeldham & the Dynamic Ribbon Device : c'est sous le nom de Justice Yeldham et le visage plaqué contre une vitre reliée à des micros contacts, que Lucas Abella (a.k.a. DJ Smallcock) crée des sons grâce aux vibrations de sa bouche, le frottement de sa peau et quelques capteurs. Une prestation scénique impressionnante s'offre alors au spectateur: pour faire varier le son ainsi produit, Justice n'hésite pas à réduire la taille de la plaque de verre avec... ses dents ou son front, colorant ainsi parfois son t-shirt de rouge sang !
What's been described as "a trumpet player trapped in a two dimensional universe" is in fact the unique audio work of Justice Yeldham, a maverick musician with an unhealthy obsession with sheets of broken glass. By pressing his face and lips against the glass whist employing various vocal techniques ranging from throat singing to raspberries, he turns disguarded household windows into crude musical instruments. Resulting in a wide variety of cacophonous noises that are strangely controlled and oddly musical.
Justice Yeldham is the latest alter-ego of Australian sound performer Lucas Abela, whose past sonic experiments were conducted under monikers like A Kombi, Dj Smallcock & Peeled Hearts Paste. Initially classed as an experimental turntablist, although his early work rarely resembled anything in the field. Early feats, saw him stab vinyl with Kruger style stylus gloves, bound on electro acoustic trampolines, drag race the popemobile across Sydney Harbour Bridge, perform deaf defying duet duels with amplified samurai swords, hospitalised by high powered turntables constructed from sewing machine motors, record chance John Peel sessions with the Flaming Lips, & be Otomo Yoshihides' favourite entry into his Ground Zero remix competition; "Consummation" even though instead of sampling the CD he destroyed it using amplified skewers!
He also founded and runs dualpLOVER (recording label, cd/dvd replicators, distributor and promoter of gigs and tours). Principally a live audio artist he’s been performing professionally for the past 14 years, ever since Oren Ambarchi and Robbie Avenaim stumbled across his late night radio performances in 1994 and asked him to play their 2nd What is Music? Festival. Since he's toured the world extensively, performing in well over 30 countries.
Sites Justice Yeldham ----> http://www.dualplover.com/justice.htm
Du bon son
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Des mirettes
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