Sérigraphies de AIDS WOLF (18h00-Entrée libre-BLACKBOX-Friche belle de mai) //// AIDS WOLF //// NOSNOW //// CHEAP ELECTRIC

are a fucking cult and will cause you harm and ill will.
The 9 Principles of
1 - Maintain a Daily Ritual. Music is like breathing, eating,
walking, sleeping, drinking, pissing, and, with any luck, fucking. One must
have something to play, create, and examine everyday; there are simply no vacations.
Music must be a physical need and a mental compulsion in each moment of existence.
2 - Live Aesthetic Immersion. One's aesthetic inclinations regarding sound should
bleed over into and flow from all artistic disciplines as easily as they do
from daily experience. There is no reason a sonic composition cannot be inspired
by or contribute to a drawing, a tasty curry, or one's choice of socks.
3 - When
in Doubt, Bum Them Out. If you can't convert 'em, make 'em run crying and holding
their ears. There is no shame in being a bummer. To elicit a reaction - positive
or negative - is a valueless proposition and a noble pursuit in its own right.
4 - Get in the Van. This is self-explanatory. Read the book,
live the life.
5 - Seek Strength Through Strength. Gear's gotta be carried,
sleep must be forsaken, and long tours have to be survived, knowing all the
while that ideas flow best when one has the stamina to let them out. Through
proper consumption of wholesome fresh foods, daily strength training and sports,
and copious amounts of fresh air, one can foster personal fortitude and allow
room for creativity to flower.
6 - Join the Family. AIDS Wolf is a nuclear
family, from which flows an ever-expanding extended family network. Artistic
collaborations, shared travels, exchanged stories, and general camaraderie
with other bands and artists are not only motivating and inspiring but also
serve as a vital metrics by which to measure one's own perceived worth.
7 - Allow
for Sonic Fields of Nothing. The use of negative space in music and design
creates new dynamics, abstracts the obvious, and challenges both the creator
and the audience.
9 - Become the Weird Punks. Remember when punk was weird and when weird was punk Destroy genre straight jackets and move out of the comfortable. Confrontation with norms and expectations is where the AIDS Wolf family is most at home.
Now that you have studied and committed the 9 Principles of AIDS Wolf to memory, you are ready to carry them into your daily life. Find failure and misery as you are guided by these tenets and bring them with you into the wider world.
AIDS Wolf embraces the hate. If they can’t draw you in, they will make you run away cursing and bitching. Their songs speak to the terminally alienated, the relentlessly negative, the inherently repugnant.
The Montréal four-piece (two guitars, drums and insane warbling) formed in early 2003, to the protestations of most of humanity. Since the beginning, they’ve sought to live the life: to practice complete aesthetic immersion, create music in some form every day, and live healthfully to facilitate their creative endeavors, no vacations allowed. AW greets our modern gloom with heady zeal.
In January 2006, AIDS Wolf released The Lovvers LP, their first full-length with the CD on Lovepump United, the 12" on Skin Graft. They've also released splits, mini-CDs, and improv freakouts on tape. Their upcoming releases for late 2006 include a four-band split (on two 7") with Dmonstrations, Pre, and Crack Und Ultra Excema on Lovepump United.
In early 2007, AIDS Wolf released a collaborative album with Providence's ATHLETIC AUTOMATON under the moniker AIDS WOLF VERSUS ATHLETIC AUTOMATON titled "Clash Of The Life-Force Warriors". A split LP with Night Wounds has been released on Nail in the Coffin Records.
AIDS Wolf's latest release is a bootleg split 7" with London's PRE titled "Live Dates". Illegally pressed by SiNRAFT Records and containing a calendar sleeve of compromising band photos, the 7" has been seized by Skin Graft Records for lawful distribution.
AIDS Wolf have contributed a track to the new Bruce LaBruce film Otto, or Up With Dead People. Their second full-length record, Cities of Glass (CD on SKiN GRAFT Records; vinyl on Lovepump United), produced by Weasel Walter and tentatively scheduled for a summer 2008 release, will prolong the bummer.
Vikki Warner

On s'est formé en 2007 apres Riff Hunter . Pour changer de la basse, Charles est passé au clavier; d'abord un Bontempi puis un Clavier MIDI avec des sons dans son ordi (j'y connais rien). Pour changer, Sylvain fait du gros boum boum. On s'est naturellement dirigé vers une musique fun et patate, sans prétention, en jouant toujours sur le côté simple/naïf des mélodies rehaussé par des effets de puissance (fun et patate, quoi...). Il est indéniable que nous sommes des adeptes du gros son, celui qui pète bien fort et qui fait mousser la bière au fond de nos entrailles.
Nous assumons totalement nos influences, d'ailleurs ça vaut mieux pour nous: Lightning Bolt, Duracell, et beaucoup d'autres sont des groupes que l'on adore et qui imprègnent nos compos sur ce projet. Merci les gens !!!
Charles est par ailleurs (attention , surprise!) le Bassiste de Clara Clara, un super groupe de copains qu'il est bien ce groupe. Sylvain aime aussi le calme et le planant comme ce qu'il a fait sur Anna Giro (adieu, Anna!). Profitons de cette page pour remercier tous ceux qui nous aident et nous soutiennent : François Virot, les Moustachus , les Tanneries , Nico Zéro, le Grrnd Zéro , Robotnicka, No Snow, Motherfucking, Siroz, Safi, Imran, Kickball, Julien Dupont, Scorpyus, Gaël Moissonnier, Du 1, Camille, Hiroshima rocks around, Fredder, le Mât noir, et tous les autres qu'on ne nomme pas mais qu'on aime quand même très fort bisous bisous !!!

Passant en boucle leurs cris, leurs basses, leurs guitares, No Snow élaborent leurs compositions comme des pièces montées. Impossible à cataloguer, leur musique improvisée est d'une incroyable liberté, oscillant entre folk, free-jazz, post-rock et musique expérimentale!
François Virot vit et travaille à Lyon. Il est le batteur du groupe rock Clara Clara, de No Snow et a fait son premier concert solo en 2006.
Gael Moissonier a fait l'Ecole nationale des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, où il vit et travaille. Il se produit en solo sous le pseudonyme de I'm a Grizzly, et s'occupe de zerojardins, une structure à but non lucratif qui organise des concerts, produit principalement des CDRs, mais aussi des fanzines des cassettes ou des vinyls.
Sites Aids Wolf ----> http://www.myspace.com/aidswolf
Sites Nosnow ----> http://www.myspace.com/nosnowww
Sites Cheap Electric ----> http://cheapelectric.free.fr
Du bon son
AIDS wolf - Multiply -
AIDS wolf vs Athletic automaton - Pantstathlon -
Nosnow - Safari -
Cheap electric - Allez nounours -
Cheap electric - Atmosphere -
Cheap electric - Nettoyage
Des mirettes
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aids07 -
nosnow01 -
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