Half Swiss, because their mothertongue is catholic french and their father's eye is protestant swiss, they were born in France but smoked their first cigarette in Switzerland, also because two half swiss make one swiss. They couldn't be Half France because most french artists are already half or quarter or eigth french. Thus, swiss is in their backpack and they carry it for life, so they have plenty of work to do.
They work on youth traumatisms and stimulations, they have their own language and notion of risks that they try to translate to the world because they think it's important. They consider Switzerland as a shaft of mythological wealth.
Their art performance are in the fields of pagan rituals, family acts, action-monument, Homage to living artists and their goal is to spend energy without producing it.

Site Half Suiss ----> http://halfswiss.ca.cx
Site Nicolas Gerber ----> http://spinette.free.fr/nicolasgerber
Site Christian Gerber ----> http://fefo.ca.cx
Du bon son
Half swiss - Cours julien -
Half swiss - Friche terasse -
Half swiss - Polystirene
Des mirettes
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