Dès son plus jeune âge, Alfred Jarry a fait des recherches afin de retracer sa propre genèse, qui constitue l'étude d'un organisme vivant, de ses formes les plus embryonnaires à celles les plus élaborées. L'œuf fécondé, point de départ de cette étude, est le légendaire folklore qui règne autour de Jarry, à la fois littéraire, théâtral, biographique, critique et "pataphysique".
L'histoire d'un homme qui a évité la mort en s'associant / s'identifiant de manière absolument intense avec ses créations.
ATTENTION : nombre de places limité
Réservations : 06 31 12 59 68 ou info@buchingersboot.com

Buchinger’s Boot Marionettes was founded in 2004. Their first work, Shellachrymellaecum (2005), was an electronic opera about the inaudible and the unspeakable that won two prizes (best dramatical content and best plastic art) at the Lleida International Puppet Festival.
They went on to tour at the Prague International Festival of Puppet Art, Dresden’s Societasteater, in Marseille at the L’Embobineuse and Gardennes School of Circus Arts, and Footsbarn Travelling Theatre’s 35th anniversary celebration. The next work was The Vestibular Folds, a tale about the engraving and destruction of a metaphysical gramophone record, which was created in 2006 and premiered at the Festival Neo, Institute de Teatre of Catalunia, then at the Institute of Contemporary Art for the London Mime Festival, and finally at Festival Printemps des Comediens in Montpellier. The universe created by Buchinger’s Boot is like a chamber of wonders- where one extraordinary object or being replaces another, each time more singular than before. This transient world contains all significant things and rarities created by both nature and man, where nothing human is alien.
Particularly present are marionettes and sets made from bones, woods, metals, plants, insects, bacteria, animals and their artificial copies (stuffed, preserved, anthropomorphisized, mechanized)…tools, foreign instruments, all that enlighten, please and horrify the eye.
Such a collection points to a terror of classification where possibilities and combinations spiral into chaos, and the idea of enclosing nature in a closet becomes a parable for fragile interpretations, being and its foetuses. Buchinger’s Boot unique blend of puppetry techniques along with their organic, circuit-bending soundtracks and beautifully disturbing images, have resonated in its audiences throughout Europe, often leaving them moved, shocked, bewildered and enthralled.
Site Butchinger ----> http://marionettes.buchingersboot.com
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